An Assassins' Guild


This guild is based on BehindTheTables by Orkish Blade found at

The guild's leader is a dashing swashbuckler.

The guild's symbol is a snake.

The guild's main goals include eliminating a corrupt Trappers guildmaster in foreign city or region. (leadership and rank-and-file members could have different goals but as a Guild this is the main goal).

The guild's headquarters is located/hidden on or near a merchant's office.

The guild is feared by soldiers and warriors and respected by guards and sheriffs.

The guildmembers typically strike with ambush tactics.

The guild's preferred method of execution is burning alive.

The guild typically plans their attacks to take place the wee hours of the morning

The guild will not take out contracts on young children.

Guildmembers are typically armed with bows and arrows and operate by infiltrating an organization. Each Guildmember typically knows several other guildmembers.

A few of the Guild Members

1 The assassin has a wide-brimmed hat., carries a blade with a hilt carved of oak and is looking for someone to frame up for a murder.
2 The assassin has a scar on the forearm., carries a blade with a bat sculpted into the steel of the guard and is looking for a rowdy evening of carousing.
3 The assassin has a mask covering the face., carries a blade with spiders sculpted into the steel of the guard and is looking for a rowdy evening of carousing.
4 The assassin has a dagger in each boot., carries a blade with a gently curved hilt and is looking for rumors that may lead to a new client.
5 The assassin has a high-pitched laugh., carries a blade with a gem embedded in the pommel and is looking for an easy contract.
6 The assassin has a dagger in each boot., carries a blade with a hilt carved of ivory and is looking for a rowdy evening of carousing.
7 The assassin has a scar on the face., carries a blade with a gently curved hilt and is looking for someone to frame up for a murder.
8 The assassin has a scar on the face., carries a blade with a gently curved hilt and is looking for rumors that may lead to a new client.
9 The assassin has neatly trimmed mustaches., carries arrows/bolts with bronzed tips and is looking for an easy contract.
10 The assassin has a flashy earring., carries arrows/bolts fletched with crow feathers and is looking for extra muscle for a tough assignment.
11 The assassin has a wide-brimmed hat., carries arrows/bolts fletched with crow feathers and is looking for an easy contract.
12 The assassin has a gold signet ring., carries arrows/bolts fletched with peacock feathers and is looking for a rowdy evening of carousing.